There is a very special place in the town of Jesus Maria, Argentina!
La Casa de Matia is a home for children that need help,
run by a woman with a huge heart. Below is Dr. Patschke with Roxana. She's the mother
of a home that helps many children who need a place to sleep, food in their tummy, and
motivation to work in school.

Twenty children between the ages of 3 and 18 sleep at her home.
Over years and with the generosity of private contributors, the home has expanded to
allow every child their own bed.
The children that stay at the casa don't have a family able to care for them.
This is the room that the girls in the family use! How nice!!
Above, Roxane stands on her porch. Inside, the doors lead to three rooms, the living areas with enough tables to feed 50 people and a large kitchen!

This is the bedroom for the boys.
There are about 15 beds in this room.
The children are held responsible
to make their beds and help with
all the chores at the house,
The home also has pet dogs, a sheep,
and a resident pig!

This is the kitchen that is used to feed many people, 4 times a day!
In addition to the 20 children who live at the home,
Roxana and her husband also support an additional 30 + students that visit in the
evening for food and homework help.
Many local businesses support the home by donating food and other products.
Here are several of the La Casa de Matias family members with Dr. Patschke!
They spent the afternoon with her and shared lunch!
It was so nice! All the children come from different families,
but in La Casa de Matias, they are sisters and brothers who love each other!
Here are two articles which were written about this wonderful home in Argentina!
Before this, Roxana was a teacher. One of her own sons died in an accident at the age of three. Her passion to help children grew after this terrible loss. Over time, she started helping neighborhood children with homework, and eventually, she realized some didn't have a safe place to be at night. This is what motivated her to create "La Casa de Matias."
May people refer to Roxana as an angel!
The home is run on the income of Roxana's family as well as private denotations of
food and supplies! It's an amazing operation with the goal of keeping
children safe, working hard in school, and loved!
If anyone is looking for a unique project to support,
this would be a great one!
What will we learn about next?
You'll find out soon!
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Dr. Patschke