An awesome welcome by the staff, parents, and students of General Francisco Ortiz de Ocampo!
This sign hangs outside of Ocampo, facing the street! The children of Ocampo welcomed Dr. Patschke by singing the song"You are my sunshine" in English. It was so sweet! The children presented Dr. Patschke an Argentine Flag and played songs on the recorders!
The photo below shows students performing a special dance which was dedicated to the USA. The music to the dance was Michael Jackson's "Black or White."
Notice their costumes are black and white!
The Ocampo entrance hosts a bulletin board which is dedicated to our sister garden project!
The hands on this board were made by Mrs. Ruffo and Mr. Mountz's classrooms!
Above is the play yard at Ocampo. It has a sand coating to protect students from
hurting themselves if they fall down.
Parents, Staff, and Students gathered in the evening for a fun festive party!
We ate food, danced, and celebrated our international friendships!
The dance teacher at Ocampo designed a sample of Argentinean Folk dances. Everyone who performed was amazing!

An impressive expression of pride and artistic dance! Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!

An evening celebrating international friends!
The school community of General Francisco Ortiz de Ocampo LOVES their children, their school, and their community! There is a ton of Argentinean pride in Jesus Maria!!
What a delicious and decorative cake
representing the USA and Argentina!
UPES Kid Question: What does Sra. Carrizo's cat look like? Is it a nice cat?
Answer: Sra. Carrizo has an awesome kitty! She is friendly and loves to be scratched!
Sra. Carrizo's cat "Mitzy" loves attention. Here she is smiling at you!
What will we learn about next?
You'll find out soon!
Check back often and stay connected!
Dr. Patschke