Global Friends Welcome!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Broccoli Bob Finds Another Friend!

In the town of Villa General Belgrano, we found a beautiful park!
Remember as you look at these photos that it is winter in Argentina!
Everyone says that in the spring and summer, the park is even MORE beautiful!!
Broccoli Bob met this little "Ranger Peep!"  Isn't he adorable?
 We noticed that this park was not only lovely to look at, it was very clean and well managed!
Broccoli Bob's new "Ranger Peep" friend was spreading healthy messages!
 The sign sends the message, "Keep the streams clean for our health!"
The visitors and residents in Argentina are listening to "Ranger Peep!"  This is a healthy spot!
Can you find Broccoli Bob enjoying the sunshine & the clean stream?
You've got it!  There he is!
What a happy smile!
Our friends in Argentina are doing a GREAT job of keeping our world clean and beautiful!
Broccoli Bob gives "Ranger Peep" a big healthy choice "thumbs up!"
What will we learn about next?
You'll find out soon!
Check back often and stay connected!
Dr. Patschke