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Monday, July 1, 2013

Ocampo Garden Partners with INTA

Adolfo Grion is a specialist in gardening.  Sra. Carrizo has
partnered with his company, INTA to bring information about organic planting to Ocampo!

Much of the information that Adolfo presented to the 6th graders at
Ocampo was similar to what we teach our students
 at UPES about healthy insect and critter control. 
Below is a bag of seeds that every family in the school receives compliments of INTA. 
About half of the students in this assembly are either growing their own vegetables
or are interested in starting a garden at home!

What an outstanding group of Ocampo parent volunteers!
They spread healthy messages to the kids in the school!

Broccoli Bob is Ocampo -"Mother" approved!
What will we learn about next?
You'll find out soon!
Check back often and stay connected!
Dr. Patschke